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Book Club


The Fox Hills Book Club meets on the 3rd Monday of each month in the rear card room at 7:30 p.m.  There is no meeting held in December.  The choice of book is listed each month in the Courier.  We make an effort to choose a variety of books throughout the year.  Each year we try to pick fiction, non fiction, a classic, a biography, a mystery or true crime, a recent bestseller, a science fiction  and an historical novel or non fiction.  We've even done plays or short stories.  There are no dues in this club.  The requirement is that you read the book chosen and participate in the discussion.  You may love it or hate it, but we value your opinion. 

We guarantee that you will read books you may not have selected otherwise and you will expand your horizons.  Some members come every month and some attend only occasionally.  You are welcome whenever you can come.  If you love to read and would like to chat about a book you enjoyed (or disliked) after you have finished it, you are welcome to join us.  Members may recommend books for future meetings and we will make an effort to include them if possible.  For contact information check with the Fox Hills office in the Clubhouse.